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Heinz Stolzki



Family Law

  • Divorce (also international)
    • Equalization of the surplus, alimony, child support, custody
    • Apportionment of assets and liabilities
  • Prenuptial agreements (German, international especially US law)
  • Challenging of marriage contracts

International Private Law

  • Advice and advisory opinion of facts of cases concerning international law systems
  • Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements

Corporate Law

  • Incorporation and shareholder agreements
  • Challenging of resolutions

Law of Contract

  • Creating German and International Contracts (Sales contract, Licence contracts)

Labor Law

Law of Succession

  • Last will and deed of donation
  • Succession agreement
  • Distribution of the estate


Heinz Stolzki

Nymphenburger Str. 90 e

80636 Munich




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